the coroner is so frustrating to listen to, offers absolutely no answers, I mean you can get answers from thousand years old skeletons nowadays and he can't find anything on a well preserved one month old body??
I agree something was odd with the autopsy and yes the coroner was dismissive. The family found him in under an hour but the coroner spoke of the difficulty & “inconvenience“ (which I thought was a weird choice of word) it would be to bring a body out to that area.
From what was discussed on the Unsolved Mysteries episode, I feel the autopsy was deeply flawed. Did the family happen to have another pathologist examine the body? There should have been more to this report. I understand that some of the results may be held from the public, but it seems like this was not a thorough examination.
the coroner is so frustrating to listen to, offers absolutely no answers, I mean you can get answers from thousand years old skeletons nowadays and he can't find anything on a well preserved one month old body??
I agree something was odd with the autopsy and yes the coroner was dismissive. The family found him in under an hour but the coroner spoke of the difficulty & “inconvenience“ (which I thought was a weird choice of word) it would be to bring a body out to that area.
From what was discussed on the Unsolved Mysteries episode, I feel the autopsy was deeply flawed. Did the family happen to have another pathologist examine the body? There should have been more to this report. I understand that some of the results may be held from the public, but it seems like this was not a thorough examination.
No toxicology reports?
The family has a copy. But no it won’t be published